Self-Coaching: A Daily Practice for Personal Growth

coaching goals mindset

Every great coach has a coach. But between sessions with your personal coach, practicing self-coaching can keep you on track. By asking yourself powerful questions each day, you can stay aligned with your goals and navigate challenges with ease.


TIP: Bookmark this post so you can access it easily 3 times a day: 

  1. Start your work day with the morning reflections. 
  2. Set a midday timer to stop and quickly do an afternoon reflection.
  3. After dinner / before bed - give yourself 10 minutes for the evening reflections. 



Start Your Day with Purpose

Morning Self-Reflection:

  • What are my top three priorities today?
  • What excites me most about what I can accomplish today?
  • What specific actions will help me achieve my priorities?
  • What potential obstacles might arise, and how can I avoid or overcome them?
  • How will I feel once I’ve accomplished today’s goals?
  • In what ways will completing these priorities positively impact my day or life?


Midday Check-In: Staying on Track

Afternoon Self-Reflection:

  • How am I progressing with today’s priorities?
  • What adjustments do I need to make to stay focused?
  • Who or what can I reach out to for support if needed?
  • What can I celebrate so far today? (Take a moment to acknowledge progress or joy.)


Ending the Day with Gratitude

Evening Self-Reflection:

  • What did I accomplish today?
  • What do I want to focus on tomorrow?
  • What changes can I make to improve tomorrow’s success?
  • What wins can I celebrate from today? (Recognize progress or moments of happiness.)


Challenging Limiting Thoughts

When negative thoughts arise, pause and ask yourself:

  • Where did that thought come from?
  • Is this a fact or just an opinion?
  • If it's an opinion, what is the real truth?
  • If it’s a fact, is it from the past? What word reflects how I’m overcoming it?

Often, negative self-talk is a lie you’ve grown to believe. Take a moment to challenge that falsehood and replace it with the truth. By doing so, you’ll create space for personal growth and empowerment.



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